Monday, November 24, 2008

Rest week

25 November, Tuesday

This week is my rest week. So, no chemo for this week. Hooray! Will know the results on 6 Dec, when I will be back to the hospital. Tumor marker will be checked again. Pray very hard it will continue to produce good results as the previous cycle.

The whole family will be spending this weekend at Downtown East chalet. The original intention was for us to spend more time with my mum, as for the last 2 years, when my sis had a chalet there, my family (me & kids) don't stay overnight there. So, we thought this year will be a good opportunity to do that when we will have 2 rooms. Unfortunately, mum is no longer around to enjoy this. But she will always remain in our heart.

This will also be the only away from home break (except 2 hotel stays that we had this year) for the kids, as the holiday trip for December will now have to be postponed due to my chemo treatmen for it. Sorry, kids. As I am typing this, Angeline is a little upset. I promise her that I will make up for it when I recover from the treatment. As for Alvin, he is easy with anything. He just want to stay in hotel, where he will be served like a KING.


meilai said...

Hi Ai Bee,

Hope you have a good rest this week and have fun this weekend.

Been checking your blog regularly to see how you are progressing. Technology is so wonderful these days!

Been wanting to visit you but couldnt fit timing into your rest weeks yet, but hope to see you soon.

Meanwhile, stay strong and brave. Will keep praying.

Jia you!

love, Mei Lai

Wee Liat said...

Ai Bee,

Been checking on your blog almost every day to see if you have an update.

Good to hear that your spirits are up and you are planning for a weekend retreat.


Wee Liat

puayai said...


not sure what's your email address, so here's something for you :

Jacquena said...

Hi, we might be going to to Downtown East this weekend. Wanna meet up for small little get together for a coffee? I have not seen you in your new hair do yet.

Unknown said...

Will you be able to rest over the christmas and new year as well.

Dec 6 will be marked in my calendar. What is the target level you are looking for. want to be able to pray specifically for that.

susanteh said...

The children are so sweet and understanding - this is a difficult time for them too. If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know. Have a nice restful week with your family. Will continue praying for your recovery.

Unknown said...

Hi Ai Bee,

I keep reading your blog.

I wanted to say a lot of things to you so to encourage you in fighting the battle. But each time when I finish reading your blog, it is I who have been encouraged. I don’t think I need to say anything to boost your confidence; I deeply believe that you will triumph over the illness

You are really my hero… for even in time of adversity or prosperity you are still very optimistic and full of hope.

Please take your time to have a good rest. All of us wait for the return of an energetic Ai Bee.!

Lots of love,
