Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Good progress

7 April 2009, Tuesday

After the cough episode, which I recovered on last Wednesday, I developed headache from last Wednesday to Salturday consecutively. Got a scare as I was told that headache is one of the symptoms for high blood pressure. I was feeling very bad on Saturday late afternoon. A friend called up Guardian Pharmacy and the sales assistant was very helpful and she went out of her to delay the blood pressure monitor to my home. Thankfully, my blood pressure was normal.

The headache only came back again on Sunday night, for a short 30 mins or so, and I recovered from it after taking the painkiller. Since then, fingers crossed, I don't have the headache spells. Spoke with my TCM sinseh about my headaches. She was initially concerned that it could be due to high blood pressure, but given that my blood pressure is normal and it does not bother me now, she thinks it should be ok. Anyway, from the medicine brochure, one of the side effects for the new medicine is that I could get mild to moderate headaches. So, I think this must be the medicine side effects.

I have been measuring my blood pressure daily since last Saturday and it has been normal. Also, don't have bloatedness and the pain at the liver area. The TCM sinseh says this is a good sign. :-)
Will have to wait for first sign from the blood test next Friday, to see if my body is responding to the new drugs. Praying everyday for it.

1 comment:

chuko said...

Hi Ai Bee,
I was told about this blog by Choo Leng and have been following it. You have such a strong fighting spirit and that is already 1/2 the battle won. Keep your chin up and know that you have many friends and colleagues rooting for you!

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ~Winston Churchill

Take care!
Woei Shiuan