Sunday, October 18, 2009

I make it!

18 October 2009, Sunday

Yes, officially I cross the 1 year mark! A big pat on my shoulder. Clapping sounds and champagnes popping. :-)

Well, the past few days were also not that smooth sailing. Mywound on my butt got infected again and went to see a GP. He gave me antibiotics, antiseptic wash and cream. Luckily the medicine works. Otherwise, I would have to go back to SGH and get the surgeon to cut the wound and clean the infection.

Recently, I have been getting chest pain almost everyday and there is a particular spot on the chest that if I press, it will be painful. My last ECG and chest X-ray taken about 2-3 weeks ago showed normal. So, I also don't know what happen. Probably when the pain becomes so intense and I am perspiring, then I will check myself into A&E. The last time when I went to the walk-in clinic for the chest problem. I actually prepare a bag of toiletries, in case I was being admitted.

There has been some improvement in the bowel business. I have weaned myself off lactus (it's a medicine to soften the stool) and so far, except for 1 day no business, my bowel department has been working well. Swelling stomach has also improved. Goes to the toilet a little more frequent and with better flow. So, stomach has reduced swelling by a bit, and so is my weight. Within a week, my weight has dropped almost 3 kg. I hope this is all due to the water, but my stomach is still quite big.

I will continue to work hard and looking forward to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th ...............anniversary!


puayai said...

been eagerly anticipating this post so that I can leave a comment. Well done! Continue with your fighting spirit!!!

Wee Liat said...

Ai Bee, i have been reading your blog posts over the year. It is very often thought provoking and always heartfelt.

Keep fighting...All the Best.

puayai said...

Happy birthday ai bee!

Tetra said...

Happy Birthday Ai Bee. Keep up the good job :)