Monday, August 24, 2009

Hospitalisation again

25 Aug, 2009 Tuesday

Yes, I was hosiptalised again, barely 2 weeks home. This time is due to a pus which grows next to my anus. We went to SGH A&E on 15 Aug, thinking that it was just some lump growth and the doctor would give me some cream and medicine, then we could go home. The doctor said that it was abyss and need surgery to remove it. Also, given that my immunity is compromised, they have to be careful about it. So, I was admitted. I chose to use antibiotics to shrink the pus, but after 2 days it got worse. So, no choice, opted for surgery and I was on the surgery table on Monday afternoon, under GA.

The surgeon told me that there were 5 cm of pus. Yucks! In the course of next few days that I was in the hospital, the wound heal well. My mother in law was very kind to come to the hosital consecutively for 3 days to learn to do dressing for me. Otherwise, when I am discharged, I would have to go to GP, which is a 10 mins walk from home. Also, given that the position is located in the dirty area, it gets soiled easily. So, it is more convenient for mother-in-law to do it. She is a really great lady. I can't do without her.

Just when I thought that I was ready to be discharged on Saturday, my princess at home was down with chicken pox. So, the oncologist, on the safe side, prescibes anti-fungal as a protection against chicken pox. In addition, I took a blood test to see how strong is my immunity against chicken pox. If it is not high enough, I will be given a vacination jab.

The blood test results was only out yesterday afternoon, after I agreed to pay 2.5x the normal price for the test. Otherwise, I need to be in hospital for another day. Thankfully, my immunity is high and can go home. Hurray!

Angeline is also progressing well with her chicken pox. By the time I reached home, her blisters (which number at least 200) have started to dry up. We have to maintain distance away from each other, avoiding physical contact. She has really been strong. Only 1 day of slight fever and she doesn't complain much. What a warrior!

Now that I am back home. can sleep better hours, although still wake up a few times throughout the sleep for toilet breaks, but I think should improve over the days. Chemo drip is on hold for the time being, until my wound heals, but I am still taking the oral medication and TCM herbs. Will be going back to see Dr Toh again on this Friday. Hope the tunour marker don't jump up again, since I am delaying the chemo drip.

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