Thursday, February 26, 2009

6th cycle

27th February 2009, Friday

Started on 6th chemo cycle 2 days ago. Tumor marker had gone up marginally from 247 to 262, but Dr Toh (my oncologist) said that it was still within acceptable range and had increase the dosage of the new drug that he gave me from 100mg to 150mg. That will make me more goggy. Luckily I am not working now and can sleep more.

We discussed again on the options of surgery as only surgery can help to remove the cancer cells almost completely. Unfortunately, for my case, I can't do surgery as the cancer cells are on both lopes of my liver. Dr Toh assured me that I am progressing well with the medication. A more detailed discussion on the next steps will be conducted after the PET scan, which will be performed after the 8th cycle. So that will be likely in early May. He tells me to just stay focus on each chemo cycle and get well and not to worry too much. As it is, he told me that I am an outliner and have progressed well with the treatment, considering that bile duct cancer is a fast acting cancer and I manage to bring down the tumor marker from 890 (before chemo) to 200+. The balance are the resistant cancer cells which probably needs more bullets and bombs to shoot them down. He says that there are other treatments that he has yet to discuss with me, as we will wait for the PET scan result for the verdict. Cross the bridge when we reach there.

I spoke with the Chinese sinseh. She had the same opinion that I should not do surgery, as the surgery is only a local solution, but likely the cancer cells are already floating in my blood stream. Also, with a major surgery, my immunity will be low and that will be a good chance for the cancer cells to attack me more aggressively. She said that even if the western medicine runs out of idea, TCM could still help as they are now only playing a complimentary role now and will move up to lead role when required. She can't raise the bar for TCM on me yet, as she is concerned that my health may not be able to take it. She also tells me to take one step at a time.

Initially, I was a bit upset on Wednesday and felt really lousy. But I tell myself never give up this fight against the cancer cells. If I give up on myself, the cancer cells will be popping champagne inside my body. I will not let them have an easy time inside.

I have started on alkaline water for 2 weeks. Read that cancer cells thrive in acidic environment. With the alkaline water, it is supposed to be anti-oxidant and the water molecules are smaller and hence better absorbent by the body. Hopefully this helps.

Also, a friend sends me a write up on Kachahatrian Effect Protocol –KEP, by a renowned Russian scientist. Will need to check up on him and consult with the oncologist.


susanteh said...

KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!! we're all cheering you on!

puayai said...

noticed that it has been a while since u last updated your blog, is everything ok?