Tuesday, May 19, 2009


19 May 2009, Tuesday

My TCM doc asks me to consider practising qigong, as an alternative treatment. All medicine that I am taking, are external factors. One day, they may lose its effect. Qigong is to use the internal strength within myself, to boost immunity system.

There are a few case studies in the literature that she gave me, that shows that qigong helps to prolong the life of the patients. She showed me the first step and asked me to practise.

I guess I am at a stage that anything that can work, I will try. I trust my TCM doc. She has accurately diagnosed the problems areas for patients, which western doctors may not be able to pick up immediately. First hand experience from myself on the blood test report and also experience from another cancer patient friend. She practises it herself today. For her, since she does not have any illness, she says the effect is not much. But it is good for her to strengthen herself. For people with illness, she believes in the theory which has 2000 years history, can provide an alternative treatment. Although there is disclaimer that it may not work for everyone. I guess no harm trying.

Will start practising soon and share my experience with everyone at a later date.


Unknown said...

Hi Ai Bee,

Great to hear that you hv great progress. I really trusted that you must be recovered soonest.

Have just seen your family photos, it's so sweet and you twins are so lovely. Many thanks for your sharing.

Take care & keep in touch.


Kum Ee said...

Hi Ai Bee,

Haven't seen your post for a few weeks. Hope everything is fine with you.

Kum Ee