Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day Present

13 May, 2009 Wednesday

I had an enjoyable time for Mother's Day this year. My daughter drew a card and bought a handphone strap from her school's bookshop for me. It's a heart shape and in blue. Angeline said that that's my favourite colour. Alvin used colourful paperclips to make a necklace and 2 bracelets for me. I never know that my son is creative and good with craft work.

Angeline said on Saturday that she wanted to prepare breakfast for me. I told her that I would be going to the temple for prayers, but will be back in time for tea time. She relented. She prepared the table setting and told her brother to off the TV at 2.55pm, to be in time for the tea party. When my hubby and I came home, my hubby teased my daughter that why we were only having cream crackers for tea. Well, I am her saving grace. I bought snacks before we returned home. Everybody enjoyed the tea party.

What is most important is the thought that my children put into it to prepare for the Mother's Day. They definitely have improved from last year. I look forward to have more Mother's Day party with my children.:-)


taykimlee said...

Hi Ai Bee

Just learnt about your condition. Glad that you are totally upbeat towards recovery (yes surely you will make it!) and maintaining a positive attitude on life!

God blesses and protects you and your family!

Kim Lee

susanteh said...

Your children are great kids!